Do I Need To Talk To The Coach About My Child?
Do I need to talk to the coach about my child? What is the protocol?
There are situations that may require a conference between the coach and the parent. These are encouraged. It is important that both parties involved have a clear understanding of the other's position. When these conferences are necessary, the following protocol should be followed to help promote a successful resolution.
First, do not confront a coach before, during or after a contest. These can be emotional times for both the parent and the coach. This approach does not foster resolution.
Second, call the coach during regular school hours to set up an appointment.
Third, if the coach cannot be reached, please call the office of the Activities Director at 641-754-1142 and set up a meeting between the coach and the parent.
If the meeting with the coach does not provide a satisfactory resolution:
Call the office of the Activities Director and set up an appointment to discuss the situation. Research indicates a student involved in co-curricular activities has a greater chance of sucess during adulthood. Many of the character traits required to be a successful participant are exactly those that will promote a successful life after high school. We hope the information provided makes both your child's and your experience with the Marshalltown Community School District activities program less stressful and more enjoyable.
Here is the "chain of command" or the proper channel of communication:
Team Captain
Team Coach
Activities Director
Superintendent of Schools